Friday, January 6, 2012

Dilemna #1...Resolution!

Thank you for your thoughts, all you lovely people who felt my maternal angst!

Mostly I heard that our actions on this should help him feel the loss of what he did, and there needed to be some accountability, as well as some delayed gratification. We try to follow those principles around here...the natural consequences of their actions may cause emotional pain and we can only offer support as they learn to deal with that. Elizabeth, knowing you and how you had seen him with his camera, I appreciated the grace you extended toward him on his birthday. Finding the balance between that grace and parenting responsible children is a tough one, I think.

On the morning of his birthday, I gave him the choice of getting what I had for his birthday and using his gift cards from the holidays to help pay for a new camera OR I could take back his gift and get a camera to replace the old one. He chose to get the new camera and not get another birthday gift. I thought that was pretty significant. At 7-years-old it's a pretty big deal to give up any birthday present. I could tell from his slumped shoulders he was upset about losing the unknown gift, but he was brave and grown up in his decision. A big step for my foot-stompin', throwing things around the room, anger management and impulse control boy. He was very mature about it.

In the end, we were able to find it at the bus stop. That lucky little horseshoe guy lost it on a day when it was freezing, so the precipitation that fell was in the form of flurries, not water that would have damaged it beyond repair. A little time by the wood stove downstairs and it works just fine.

He got it back for the day (it was his birthday after all!), but has lost the privilege of using it for a week since he tried to sneak it to school. I was pleased this morning when he asked if he could take one of his new skylander figures in to show his friends in class. He had learned a lesson! When I said no, he accepted it with grace. Maybe this little event helped him initiate a new year of growing in maturity.

It was interesting to see how all of you dealt with the issue of money and children. Since there's SO much to discuss on that, I think I'll save it for another post, with your permission.

Thank you, again, everyone for your thoughts and ideas. I'm sure there will be many dilemmas to come, so save those wise parenting thoughts because I will be calling on them soon!


  1. That sounds like a very wise way to handle it ... and quite a blessing that the camera was found in the end!

  2. So happy that you found it and that it works! As an avid hobbyist photographer, the idea of losing any camera is dismaying to me. :)

    Nice work on your decision about what to do, too!
